Manvert Soil is a fertilizer that is treated on the surface of the soil in addition to irrigation water to improve soil specifications in terms of salinity, aeration and treatment of calcium and magnesium deficiency. It also works to improve the specifications and maturity of fruits in all fields of crops, vegetables and fruits.

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1. Manvert Soil Best Fertilizer works to reduce the concentrations of sodium salts and total soluble salts in the soil, which are harmful to plants.
2. Manvert Soil Best improves soil texture, especially heavy, highly saline soils, by demolishing sodium salts and making them well ventilated, which leads to easy growth and spread of the root system and increasing its ability to absorb water and nutrients, thus achieving healthy and healthy growth for cultivated plants.
3. Manvert Soil Best contains the organic acid, polyhydroxycarboxylic acid, which dissolves the nutrients associated with the soil granules and makes them free and easy to absorb.
4. Manvert Soil Best has a high cation exchange capacity. It replaces sodium ions that are harmful to both the soil and plants.
5. Manvert Soil Best replaces calcium deficiency in the soil and improves its absorption.
6. Manvert Soil Best improves the quality and size of the fruits and the hardness of their peel.
7. Manvert Soil Best maintains soil pH.

Crop Application Data Min L / Fed / Appl Max L / Fed / Appl

Manvert Soil Best compound is treated on the surface of the soil in addition to irrigation water to improve soil specifications in terms of salinity and aeration and to treat calcium and magnesium deficiency in all fields of crops, vegetables and fruits in general.

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